Frequently Asked Questions


Is this Genuine ?

Definitely YES!!! It is important for you to understand that, you cannot use a fake certificate officially or legally. We encourage you to always go after a genuine registered, approved certification so you can use it without getting yourself into trouble. These are some verification guides you can rely on to verify your certificate to confirm its authenticity:

  1. How to verify an IELTS Certificate
  2. Verify a PMP certification if it is genuine or not
  3. How to verify a PTE certificate

If I obtain this without taking the exams, can I have legal implications?

You can have legal implications when you buy it from a wrong provider. This is more reason why we encourage candidates to do proper due diligence when hiring someone for this. However, search no more because we are literally the best providers on the internet. You will have no implications if you apply and obtainn it from us. 

Is everyone eligible to apply?

YES you can safely apply for this yourself without any worries. However these services were designed to those who are facing challenges passing the exams using their personal abilities.  So we encourage you to contact us and apply.  

How can I apply for this?

Our application process is straightforward. All you need to, is reach out to our support and let we shall request for the necessary information to compile your application.  More information on our privacy policy page. 

What form of payment do you accept?

We accept the following:

  1. Bank Transfer: You can use, , or any platform that supports bank transfer
  2. Western union and Moneygram
  3. Cryptocurrency: We accept all crytocurrencies that are available on top exchanges.

Do I need to appear on the test date?

Or without exams services are strictly system based registration. We register you from the comfort of your home. No preparation, attendance or center visits will be required. 

Does my location matters?

The short answer is NO. We can register you regardless of your location. All you need to do is to provide us with the necessary information we may need during your registration.

What are the services you offer: